Nancy Garden writes this very realistic book about what it is like to deal with extreme bullying.
The story starts with a flashback. Gray is staring out the window of a juvenile detention center. The glass in the tiny window has 6 sides. Gray imagines the 6 sides of his personality: son, brother, friend, archer and drummer (he excels at archery and is a great drummer). What is the sixth side of the hexagon that describes him? Murderer!
In 8th grade Gray was suspended twice for carrying a weapon. Now his family has moved so he can make a fresh start in high school. Once again, the bullies seem to find Gray. Teachers seem to dismiss the bullying and teasing at school with the explanation that "Boys will be boys." The bullying escalates to physical violence....especially the scene in the locker room. Gray's dad is not sympathetic. Gray feels his life is out of control. Read the book and see what he does! You won't forget it!