Monday, October 12, 2009

Th1rteen R3asons Why

I have wanted to read this book by Jay Asher ever since it was published in 2007. Reading it this weekend, I was left with an uneasy feeling.

Hannah has committed suicide. She has mailed cassette tapes with the 13 reasons she has ended her life to 13 people. The story is told from the viewpoint of Clay, a boy who really did like Hannah, but was afraid to let her know his feelings. He is one of the 13.

Clay spends a retched night listening to Hannah's voice, visiting the locations on the tape, and trying to understand.

Why did this book make me uneasy? It really makes you think about the consequences of your actions. Think about your daily interactions with friends and family. Words, or lack of words, do indeed hurt. Clay is hurting in this book.....Hannah was hurting, yet no one saw.......

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