Tuesday, January 04, 2011

I Am Number Four

I stayed up late reading this book -- I had to finish it and see if "John Smith" would survive the battle against the Mogardians.

Pittacus Lore is the author of this new book. On his website he says he is an alien from the earthlike planet, Lorien, which is a hundred million miles away! He has been on earth for 12 years.....are you still with me?

John Smith is the main character in the book and he is number four! Nine aliens came to earth with their guardians. Three have already been hunted down and killed by the Mogardians. John knows he is next. He looks like an ordinary teenager from Paradise, Ohio --- but there is much, much more to him than you see.

Read the book - it is amazing!! The movie comes out February 18! http://findnumberfour.com/

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